The film represents a unique collaboration between the communities of the Lower Napo River, filmmaker Anne Fentress, the NGO DB Peru, and University College London. Through a two-year process of living and working alongside the river communities and GAP project team, Anne and her team have crafted highly personal, sensitive and powerful perspectives into the lives of a very special group of communities in the Amazon of Peru.
"This film is personal for me; my mother’s family was one of those displaced by TVA to create LBL. As a child, the story of Brigadoon especially resonated with me because I imagined that my mother had come from such a place lost in time, kept alive only in the hearts of the people who had loved it.
After interviewing former residents, there is certainly romance mixed in the sadness, bitterness, and sense of loss. My grandparents took me to LBL countless times to hike and to share stories of what life had been like in their former home, and ironically, I fulfilled the expectations of the TVA architects by developing a love of nature in the same preserve which had displaced my family from their homes."
- Anne Fentress Director & Writer
American Revolutions: Southern Rock Documentary
American Revolutions: Southern Rock explores the creation of the genre and its place in American history.